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12 Days of To Do's for 2016.

We are 12 days from wrapping up another beautiful year. Some of us focus on creating new goals for a new year, leading us to skip over our final few days left to really make 2016 complete! Begin with


Find an area of your life that you find a mess, and work on decluttering this space. For me it was setting up my computer in a workable space, Im preparing for my year to come by ensuring my area is a work friendly space to let my imagination type away. Im finding a burning desire to use my time outside of social media browsing and thought blogging would be a fun way to document my life in a year for this coming year ahead. It will be a treasure to reflect upon memories, moments and life lessons!

Clean up digital Space

Free your computer of unwanted documents, images, and wasted digital clutter. For me, My desktop was a collection of "saved to desktop" documents that were an eyesore, and not needed for desktop view. I carried that over to the trash, and just that alone feels refreshing. Now to sit at my desktop, its free of cluttered unwanted documents, and I feel refreshed to enjoy my space again!

Print out and display some Meaningful Pictures from the year

Its' often very difficult to make photo printing a priority. Days are rushed, and life seems to move fast. We live in a photography era, but yet we have wasted images hiding in files. Find a way to display some memories in your home, or for others to enjoy! Print a family picture and share it with others!

Donate and Give away Christmas is a perfect time to give and its a perfect time to realize what's truly needed for your family today. Why not package up items your simply storing, or not utilizing as a way to give to people who may need, or have a desire to start something new. Give them a chance from your home to theirs.

Find a way to positively connect with coworkers this holiday season

Are there people at work that you are having confrontation or difficulty with? find a way to shift your perspective. Changing the way we see others, and relate to them can consequently leave you feeling less offensive to others behaviours. Change your thinking to change how a relationship occurs.

Be in the Moment with family this holiday season

Begin learning to put needs and to-do lists aside for a while. Make connecting with a cell phone less of a priority, and move to connections with the people surrounding us! Really try and engage with them, Listen attentively as they speak, observing their facial expressions, there choice in words, and their passion with what they share. Find a way to truly connect with those we love, and beautiful things will happen for you all.

Let go of Christmas Expectations

Christmas day is the day you and your family can be together. If the 25th is tied up with work/ or sharing family with in laws or others, don't fret the day. Try and be where you are, and let the christmas season happen as it fits for you and your loved ones. Make everyday special, even if your alone. Find a way to connect with your inner soul, you 'll find a new way to light your life up, if you take this time to connect to what you truly need and desire.

Find gratitude for what you do have right now, in your life

we often crave or desire things outside of where we are. Be greatful for all you are blessed with each and every day. Life is about counting our blessings, as we all know things change in a beat of a heart.

Do something to help you move towards something new

Let go of controlling your schedule, your life, your childs life and their dreams.

Find a way to let things be, and in those moments where we feal we need to control something, step away and watch it happen as it unfolds. We live in a world where change is essential. Learning to let the small things go, will ultimately guide us to manage the big changes we will face in a lifetime. Build your capacity to be resilient through change and alternative.

Connect with someone new

It only takes a moment to connect with a stranger. Find a time or an opportunity to make a stranger feel love and connected through you. You just never know how it will impact their future. Be the change you wish for the world, help spread the joy for someone new!

Create New goals

Goals help us have a target and give us meaning and purpose. Without goals, we can often feel stuck. Give yourself the gift of commitment for the coming year ahead. Find that burning childhood desire, make small goals, medium ones, and aim to achieve larger goals! you'll be grateful you got started!

Tie up loose ends

If there was something you've been meaning to get to, someone you have a desire to reconnect with, or something your ready to let go, then tie up this opportunity. Start year 2017 off with a brand new desire to move Forward in your life.

Happy ending 2016, and Happy wishes for 2017, Love Tara

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