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Starting over starting fresh

I want to share with each of you the idea of starting over.  I had an episodic experience yesterday that taught me again the reflection of how frustration holds us back and slows us down. I wrote a great blog yesterday, that somehow amongst a photo upload and a photo deletion process, i managed to delete my entire entry.  It froze me as

 It felt like like my work was whipped out from underground. All I had left was the reflection on the topic, nothing more. 

Yesterday's blog however was about something similar in regard of starting new. I shared about letting go and making room for the now.

I have a student working with me this week and it's been a refreshing opportunity! Her eagerness to critically evaluate commonalities has given each old clinical case a refreshing start. Above this thou, I have taken the opportunity to use time available to downsize my work space. 

NIpawin medi clinic is moving shortly! We are lucky to report that we ll be moving on to a brand new start in the next few weeks! A clinic site is being finalized as is nearing its end stage of completion! We are gaining a new space, but along with this comes some new uncertainties. 

Out clinic Houses a large compliment of front and back staff, lab staff, and physician/ and nurse practitioner staff. All together we have approx  30 people that do business with us, and for each of us we are moving forward on an entire new idea on how that business will run. For me, and 15 other clinicians, we are moving away from private housed office spaces into a centralized space where we work as one! Say what?' we are losing the luxury of our private closed spaces, and moving foreward into one lump sum desk!

With such a concept it had become essential to remove ourselves from clutter of resources too. 

this week I reflected on what I value most in practice and what I can separate from. 10 years of information was sorted, and downsized into three small bins of essentials. Letting go of my notes is a large stepping stone as I face this next part of my career. 10 years of practice has taught me much, but technology advancements have also opened many opportune doors! 

moving forward on a new beginning is exciting and fresh! I now have air space that replaces a history of yesterday's!

Flowing through my resources and deciding what could go did not come without its challenges! Each piece was kept to serve as a helping reminder of where I was and how far I have come! It reflected past accomplishments and gains, as well as hope for future growth and potential! 

today I feel proud of the work I seen from my past. It paved me into the practitioner I am today, and I assure you this growth will co to us, but in an entire new form with electronic storage! It's a brilliant refreshment knowing I can remove part of yesterday to make room for today!

I was able to also take this home into our personal space! Having five people allows for each of us to accumulate necessities! Overtime, we over accumulate and lose our much more important air space, space to feel content with less! I took the liberty of these experiences and allowed myself to let go of my important pasts! I discarded mounds of paper, kept as a reflection of the work it took to get to be a nurse practitioner! Mountains of disposal was stored for years to serve as a reminder of how much effort one needs to put in for success! Letting go was difficult, but more So, was energizing!  Our home is setting up for an enhanced today,simply through making space and letting the past be the past! Cheers to creating a greater tomorrow!

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