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Dream Bigger than the images!

Let the images speak to you! A night out with three great ladies, some wine, cheese,  & chocolate to find the images of 2017! We spent the evening developing dream boards! Lots of laughing, sharing, and encouraging! Making a dream board helps us become closer to what is sitting in our minds to dos!  I loved the opportunity to sit with myself, some friends and some magazines to focus and prioritize my thoughts! A lot of what spoke to me was focused on calming my mind, learning, and growing upon what my gut is speaking! My dreams for this year are big- so big I couldn't quite place where they are! It wasn't to see another country, it wasn't to get fit or eat better, I mean those are there for me, but truthfully there's something nestled in my mind I can not quite see or imagine in a concrete way! Someone once said, when you don't know what to do do nothing! So basically that's what my board looked like

i Ll take you through from the left:

-try something new,

-how to take care a of the beautiful mind, 

-your gut is your engine, 

-the balance of mind and body starts with the balance of diet

-kick it up a notch

-detox your body everyday

-find inner peace

-log on in style

-craving fashion

- bike ride

-find my strength for my new sexy

- real fries in a fake world

- my family relations

- my freedom to be exactly who I am

- pause my phone use

-"next year for sure"


-get away

-1/2 marathon with my ladies!

Loved the quotes I came across as they speak in important ways for me! I'm gonna build my dreams and myself! It's all from the inside out first! once that bigger dream is discovered for 2017, it will be known and it will be LOUD! I too look forward to it's discovery! Thanks to the great friends who helped me find a way to dream as big as it needed for me! Rhonda, janessa, and Kim- cheers to each of you as you approach your dreams for this coming year! Each very unique and special!

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