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Forget fear and embrace change

 spontaneously in any given moment puts fear aside and growth and change in the forefront! 

First of all, have you succumbed to live passionately alongside a calendar that keeps all your tasks close st hand? I know I have! I'm trying to recreate a simple life, in a complex time! We dedicate countless hours to schedule upkeep, and overview as we face the complexities schedules bring! 

MY focus today is to take a much simpler route this week by  Adding spontaneity back into our scheduled busy worlds! today we came home to no supper plans and that was my first moment of recognizing there's value in this lack in planning! Kalayha opened up the fridge door and there it was, her supper plan, her way! Supper prep was a special way to bond with this unique individual as I watched her create a sandwich from our low food supply! It was a delight to enjoy a child friendly Bologna sandwich!!!!

-I work down the hall from several physicians and I find that taking myself to their area and opening up a spontaneous unstructured conversation  unrelated to work has helped us all create a much stronger and more personable bond! A friendly gesture spontaneously can really create a welcoming trust from those were all surrounding by!

-I'm sure we've all experienced a true epic event , and it certainly was unexpected! Going into events with intention and expectation can leave us with an unsettled disappointment! Next time an opportunity arises to just go, or just try, consider the challenge as a huge Fulfillig opportunity! 

Living productively ensures we get our tasks done to focus towards goal and opportunity! Adding spontinuity thou breaks us through difficult uncertainties and allows us to feel freedom to enjoy the hidden opportune moments! 

- discipline yourself to trying the unknown! Life can become programmed and when we are offered an opportunity aside from our daily rituals we face an uncomfortable uncertainty! That feeling is the sensation in which you need to act on self discipline to get through to the other side! Ignore familiar temptation when something new is thrown your way, and tap into your courage to peruse what your uncertain about doing!

Use your motivation now to conquer something totally spontaneous! Next time you face fear or just don't know, next time you start convincing yourself or others your just " too this " or "too that", pause for a second, reach hard deep inside and take this spontaneity challenge! You just never know what may sprout as it's result! 

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