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Shape up the home

I've made it my mission since having children to begin the process of decluttering our home! Having children leads to the impossible reality that keeping the house in shape is difficult! 

We have delegated a piece of our home to our three kidlets toys, which I'm sure Many of you have done! The key is to down size the toys I order for them to easily find a project or game! It's true even for little ones that less is more!

Laundry- what a uphill battle!!!!! I recall a time my own mom would scold me for "cleaning up my room"-😊By basically gathering up outfits tried on but never warm, and dropping it into laundry!!! I'd walk away slapping  my hands off with pride and moved on! Wow 

was I wrong! I've created a monster in how my three children effectively organize their space! The endless piles of clothes is a big indicator that 15 pjs is an ineffective parenting tactic! It's my own worst enemy! We have since removed their choices to three pairs and there required to wear a pair two to three consecutive days! Done!

Awwww the time one spends on folding the laundry! Another area I moved forward on!  I've shaped up this task by piling the clean now unfolded dish towels and handtowels back into their drawers! Saves effort and time! Done! Cheers to the future when that returns back to priority! 

- I've attempted my own closet reboot but unfortunately it remains overcrowded and overwhelmed! It's a task I truly must focus my attention more towards! Less is more is becoming very real! 

- overstock of extra gear and winter wear! It floods my hangers and crowds up our entry space! I rearranged and prioritized the necessities, and stashed the rest! Bonus; It's freed up an argument between my four year old daughter and I! She has taste and class and this has since eliminated choice and disagreement! Win!!!!!

Finally- my closet has now become overflown with unopen gifts from Christmas! Over stalked with toys! We are over blessed! I've downsized their toys by putting away toys that they had either a close replicate of , or ones that sat unopened! It's been a healthy awakening to realize how much we overdo at the holiday time, all really for for a brief moment in time to see their excitement! A bigger lesson was gained!!!!!

Finally, learning to just unpack and put it all back to its place, has been a big part of teaching my children/ husband / and even myself a life lesson on organziation!!!! We must all participate in this process or things go missing and unavailable for future! 

I read an article how we educate our kids to "go clean their rooms" but the beauty on the article geared me to realize the essential component of teaching our children how to clean effectively is often missed! They're raised to stash and fit it in, which is a totally ineffective process!

It's time to get to the basics and move forward on this initiative! Start with organization theory and then watch them unfold their practice, one mess at a time!

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